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Opening a text file copying a specific set of info for a list off numbers

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    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: Opening a text file copying a specific set of info for a list off numbers

    I got ahead of you and assumed that you wanted to use the routing sheet. Attached is a file that does that. It will give you an idea of what things will look like at least. I can change my workbook to look at the parts list.

    Before I go further, if you can tell me how you fill in the workbook now, I will try to make the code match your procedure. For example, I can arrange so that you can copy / paste the routing on the routing sheet, press a button and the parts list and the lookups for the TR-numbers will be generated automatically. I can handle the duplicates caused by the suffixes on the routing sheet.

    Some more notes: I do have enough data to work with. I pared it down to those parts with a matching directory and kept a few that didn't for the purposes of testing. At the moment, I leave a part with a missing directory blank and log it in a separate log file. I can display this information on the main display.

    It does not matter where the TR_numbers are in the file, but I did notice that in the data you provided, most have line numbers starting with N010 or something like that. On these the TR-numbers are on rows 12 and 13 (If I recall correctly). There is one file (1006030_313.WPD) that does not have the line numbers and in this file the TR-numbers are in different rows. I am a bit uncomfortable with making this the means by which I find TR-numbers. I don't know if I have all the patterns down.

    There is a Control Panel Sheet. This is where you tell the program the directory name that contains the WPD directories.
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