Hi guys,

new to the forum so forgive me if i make any mistakes.

I have quite a complex macro to run. so i will walk through..

1) I have a list 3500 unique part numbers starting in Sheet(Parts List)"A1" and running to row end in format 1234567-891, 1234567-892 etc etc.
2) Each part number has a unique folder saved in location "G:\Trimming" (image 1)
3) I want to open the .mpf file with the unique part number folder (image 2 - this can be opened by .txt file)
4) I want to look for the first value that is "0 TR" and copy the next number. (image 3 - the value i am interest in in this case is 7)
5) I want to copy that value and paste it back into my excel sheet beside the unique part number in my active workbook (image 4)
6) Repeat until row end.

See attached photos

i can understand if this is a long shot....

image 1.jpgimage 2.jpgimage 3.jpgimage 4.jpg