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Naming New Sheets with Multiple Submissions

  1. #1
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    Naming New Sheets with Multiple Submissions


    Thank you in advance for your help

    -Copy the range from "Form" to a new sheet when the user hits a button
    -Name the new sheet based on a cell value & number

    -User conducted a focus group, filled out the form, hits a "Submit" button. "Focus group" is in cell B2.
    -I need the new sheet to be named "Focus Group 1"
    -User conducts a 2nd focus group and hits "Submit"
    -I need the new sheet to be named "Focus Group 2"

    Current State:
    -The code copies and pastes on a new sheet named "Sheet #"
    -This is code I pulled together from multiple websites. I'm happy to see feedback to make the code cleaner. I'm very new to this.

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    Last edited by glidlegolas; 05-31-2017 at 02:39 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator davesexcel's Avatar
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    Re: Naming New Sheets with Multiple Submissions

    Here is something you can work with,

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