Hi Users,
I'm new here and I'm Dave from The Netherlands. I'm 24 years old and working now 6 months with Excel and I must say I'm very impressed what's possible with it.
Just my question:
I've 2 workbooks open just for example :
1. Masterdata
2. Pickup list with variable date for example Pickup list May 17 , and the day after, Pickup list May 18
So the May and date number is variable. I need to open it (2.) from my Masterdata sheet with an macro and put an vlookup in this sheet.
I've made an cell (b3) in the masterdata with : ="Pickup list "&TEXT(C2;"[$-409]mmm d").
C2 is the today date with =TODAY()
So could someone tell me how to switch to the named workbook showed in cell B3.
It could be a little confusing so if you have any question, please let me know!