Hello and thank you for your answer.
The text in inverted commas need to to change. The formulas I would use are very simple, somthing like: =Sheet2!A1 if in Sheet1 A1 I have the text to write in the cell. Let me try to explain you better:
In sheet 1 I have my layout and in cell A1 I have a reference to Sheet2 A1 in order to reproduce the text in sheet 2 A1.
When I click on a certain button I want my cell in Sheet1 A1 to change its reference to Sheet2 B1 (alternatively to another sheet)
When I click on another button I want my cell in Sheet1 A1 to chenge its reference to Sheet2 C1
When I click on a third button the cell needs to go back to the first reference (Sheet2 A1)
I hope it's clear enough.