Dim OApp              As Object
Dim OAppt             As Object
Dim myRecurPattern As Object
Set OApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OAppt = OApp.CreateItem(1)
Set myRecurPattern = OAppt.GetRecurrencePattern
With myRecurPattern
            .RecurrenceType = 6 'olRecursYearNth
            .PatternStartDate = dtStart
           .Interval = 1   '<<<------error here
            .PatternEndDate = dtStart
        End With
With OAppt
        .To = ""
        .Start = dtStart
        .Duration = ""
         .Body = "Test"
End with
Set OApp = Nothing
    Set OAppt = Nothing
    Set myRecurPattern = Nothing
I need to add Birthday with Recurrence every year.
Everything is good except 'Interval = 1" part.
It says, "Runtime error 440, Recurrence Pattern is valid "
I am using 'Late Binding' to avoid version problem.

How can I solve this problem?