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can we generate the Results in HTML format

  1. #1
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    can we generate the Results in HTML format


    I was about to write a macro to fetch the data.

    As we have limitation of Rows in Excel (65K / 100K) , so I wanted to generate the Output in HTML format.

    Is there a way can we generate the output (fetched by Excel Macro) in HTML format in a tabular format automatically. Please let me know.

    If anybody has a example, please provide it to me.


  2. #2
    Forum Expert CK76's Avatar
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    Re: can we generate the Results in HTML format

    Excel 2007's row limit should be 1,048,576 and not 65,536 rows.

    How do you intend to use the data afterward? Although you can output as HTML format, it's not the most efficient.

    I'd suggest you upload sample file and code you are using to fetch data.

    I've done some sample code in another forum. Which is contained in the attached.

    You can find alternate methods in link below (using JSON).
    Attached Files Attached Files

  3. #3
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    Re: can we generate the Results in HTML format

    Awesome Code!

    But the requirement for me is as below.

    1) I will create a user form with Two text Boxes with Compare Button

    a) Text Box 1 - Source Query
    b) Text Box 2 - Target Query

    2) Source Query will be executed against Source Database
    3) Target Query will be executed against Target Database
    4) Now we need to Compare the Source Query Results with Target Query Results.
    5) The compared Output should be shown as below.

    a) First Tab - Should show Source Query Results
    b) Second Tab - Should Show Target Query Results
    c) Third Tab - Source & Target Query Results Side by Side (Highlighting the Unmatched Rows)
    d) Fourth Tab - only Matched Records (Highlighting only the Matched Column --> Fore Color the Cell which is not matched)

    6) This HTML Output I need to schedule it on Daily Basis (Either it can be Server / Local Path)


  4. #4
    Forum Expert CK76's Avatar
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    Re: can we generate the Results in HTML format

    How large is the data set? And what database are you querying from? Is it Excel file, SQL database or text file?

    Again, would need to see sample workbook(s) with both the raw data and expected output.

    How would people access the HTML file?

    FYI - Using formatting to indicate matched/unmatched isn't recommended

  5. #5
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    Re: can we generate the Results in HTML format

    Approximately, 10 Million Records. The Databases are SAP HANA & Netezza

    We need to Compare SAP HANA Results (Source Query) with Netezza (Target Query).

    Sample file is attached. (the Same way I need it in HTML format). Though it has only 200 rows but the real data will have 10 Million Records.

    People will go to Share Drive and access the file.

    Note: if this works (generating to HTML format, then I will start working on connecting to Source Databases to fire the queries and fetch the Results)
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Kandavalli.Kiran; 05-01-2017 at 05:24 PM.

  6. #6
    Forum Expert CK76's Avatar
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    Re: can we generate the Results in HTML format

    Ok, then Excel is definitely not the way to go. No matter what method is used, Excel isn't really meant to handle 10 million records.

    It's better if you utilize other methods for data comparison. I believe SAP has transaction SCMP, which is used to compare tables in two systems.
    Even then... comparing 10 million records seems excessive.

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