The VBA Project is password protected and the "Trust access to the VBA project object model" is unticked.I somehow was able to go to VBE find the "MBAEssentials Password" programaticall
Type my password programatically
and unlock it programatically
The problem comes when the Trust center settings options "Trust access to the VBA project object model" is not checked.
ERROR MESSAGE: "Programatic access to Visual Basic Project is not trusted" How can I ticke this option programatically?
Please note that "I know my VBProject Password" and I am not asking for breaking password.
My other observation:
If I first open a brand new workbook and go to its option and tick the "Trust access to the VBA project object model" option and close that instance without saving ,opening my original workbook and run the code for unlocking VBProject programaticaly it works fine.means the change in the settings of an irrelavent workbook is effective for my original workbook.
How can I manuplate this or any other way for that
Best Regards
Imran Bhatti