Dear all,
I am curious if there is a macro that would do the following :
Locate matching cell data within a colomn (A), copy all rows that have a match with that cell and create a new workbook for those specific rows, concerning coloms A to H.
If possible i would also like to set the name for the new workbook to be based on cell from colomn B, and if possible specify the folder where they need to be created.
Imagine you have a mass extraction of balance sheets from your customer database containing 80 clients, each with their own specific details.
Colomn A to H, where A would be the criteria to copy to a new workbook (customer number) and B would be the name of that new workbook (customer name), colomns C to H contain unique data.
Location could be Desktop/MassExctraction
The macro would create 80 workbooks within the folder, name of the workbook would be matching with the customer name and the workbook would only contain customer specific data.
Looking forward to hear from you !