I need help figuring out a formula that can find the work day lead time between two dates. My data consists of a date when a job is entered into the system, and an end date when the job is completed. I want to find the time it took to complete the job, excluding weekends and holidays. The first sheet is all my data, the second sheet is my results page, and my third sheet is my setup sheet where I figured out the network days formula.

I just cant figure out how to use the network days formula in conjunction with my data to find my actual lead time.

I tried this formula =AVERAGE(IF((Data!K3:K99960>=A3)*(Data!J3:J99960<=B3),Data!P3:P99960)) where K is my start date, J is the end date, and P is the total days to install including weekends/holidays, but it isnt working.
Looking at it now I dont even think I'm close to the right formula for what I am trying to get.
Thanks for any help.