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Need help with inputbox function

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AnirudhC Need help with inputbox... 04-21-2017, 04:19 PM
mike7952 Re: Need help with inputbox... 04-21-2017, 04:47 PM
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    Need help with inputbox function

    Hi, so my data has kids who are being billed "Weekly", "Monthly", and "Bi-monthly". It is dynamic data keeps on changing.

    The problem is that On alternate weeks the data that needs to be pulled keeps on changing accordingly to their billing status.
    If I put "Y" in the inputbox it takes a yes for the second string as well i.e it pulls the monthly kids as well.

    here is the code so far: -

    Dim answer As String
        answer = InputBox("Do you want to take the Bi-monthly kids? Y/N")
            If answer = "N" Then
            'take only the weekly kids
             End If
            If answer = "Y" Then
            'take both the weekly and the bi-monthly kids
                End If
        Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Select
    Dim answer2 As String
        answer2 = InputBox("Do you want to the monthly kids aswell? Y/N")
               If answer = "Y" Then
               'take the weekly, bi-monthly and monthly kids as well
               If answer = "N" Then
               Exit Sub
               End If
    Last edited by AnirudhC; 04-21-2017 at 06:34 PM.

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