I have an excel sheet to track data for students in my class. The data tracked is their ID, Name, Grade, class, and a Token score for a small shop in my classroom. The excel workbook has two primary sheets. A roster based sheet that displays all the information for easy viewing. The other sheet is a transation/incident page. When a student uses their tokens tha subraction entry is made for each student then reflected back on the other sheet. The issue I am having is with the allotments. I can go in and add them individually for each Student, but becomes time comsuming for 30+ students. I would like to beable to click a button or (single action) to review the student roster and check the grade level and allot the appropriate tokens per student. For example, a student in 4th grade will get 5 tokens when they are alloted and 5th grade will get 10. So each week all I have to do is click a single button instead of entering each individual entry week to week.

All my students are tracked in a single excel workbook, with filters. How would I even approach this concept?