This is my first post over here. I知 Mark. I知 new on this forum. Thank you very much to possibility of registration. I am student and I am writing my final work. I have a big and serious technical problem. Maybe some of you will be able to help me
Below I show results of my measurements - tables with the X marks. In green grilles with numbers from 1 to 6 there are emphasized results of analytical calculations from previous series of measurements. In red grilles with letters from A to F are results of current calculations.
I noticed that results of analytical calculations agreed with measured values - namely values of green and red grilles.
The problem which I doesn't know how to solve is:
How to predict variants of results of current calculations without carrying them out???
Namely - How to find variants of value in red grilles when I have position green grilles in score sheet ??.
OR How to find variants of positions of red grilles when we have position green grilles in score sheet from previous calculations??