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I'm not sure I understand. What do you want the VBA to do that is not already accomplished by the existing chart? Without VBA, here's how I would change what you have:
1) column G =IF(ISBLANK($A5),NA(),A5)
2) copy that across and adjust references/value if false argument to return the correct value to each column. For example column H becomes =IF(ISBLANK($A5),NA(),3)
3) copy G5:M5 and paste down to the bottom row you will ever use.
4) Adjust chart source area to include all of the rows you will ever use.
The use of NA() causes the chart to ignore those rows in the source data. As rows are added to the input data, they should automatically show up in the output and chart data, and the chart should update to reflect the added data. No need for VBA.