Before you start over ... if your Macro Name begins with Private Sub bla bla bla ()
the word PRIVATE will prevent the macro from being seen in the Macro List.
If you remove the PRIVATE from the beginning of the macro name, it will show in the list.
To keep the macro private and still run it, if your button is named CommandButton1 ... you would need to change your macro name to :
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
'your code
End Sub
If you've given the button a specific name ...
Private Sub YourButtonNameHere_Click ()
'your code
End Sub
Hope that makes sense.
ps: The purpose of using PRIVATE at the beginning of a Sub is to insure someone who likes to snoop around and mess things up, can't find the sub. It's hidden / Private from their view.
If they know anything about Excel and VBA, using Private won't stop them.