I have and xls file that consist of 22 columns and might reach up to 20 000 rows.
The essential part of that xls is:
* column E-where I have user name
* column H-where I might have one of the following Categories: "Stype1", "Stype2","Stype3","Stype4", "Qtype"
* column V-where I have 3 values "OK" or "NOK" or ""(empty, no entry)
What is needed from the macros agter execution?
To populate a table located on next sheet where in column A I have list of users and against each user to have the following information:
*how many categories "Stype1", how many of them are having score "OK" and "NOK"
*how many categories "Stype2", how many of them are having score "OK" and "NOK"
*how many categories "Stype3", how many of them are having score "OK" and "NOK"
*how many categories "Stype4", how many of them are having score "OK" and "NOK"
*how many categories "Qtype", how many of them are having score "OK" and "NOK"
In the attached file you will fond a model of the source file (sheet "raw_data" and what is expected to be populated by the macros in sheet "Macros_output"
Bear in mind that each time macros is run we can have different number if rows and different users
Thanks in advance for your bright VBA code.