This update addresses points 1 and 3.
To address point 1 helper columns are employed (XFC:XFD). The formulas for the helper columns are similar to:
The formulas that populate the columns with the employee code are similar to:
To address point 3, the formula in Allocation!D10 has been modified to read:
=IF(C10="","No Supervisor allocated",INDEX('Roster_Seal-Chek-Sup'!B$4:B$10,MATCH(C10,'Roster_Seal-Chek-Sup'!A$4:A$10,0)))
I will have to give further consideration as to addressing point 2. If it were the last two 'Seal Checkers' listed that were going to be assigned the role of 'Relievers' that might be easier.
Let us know if you have any questions.