replace the f_percent() function above with this :
private function f_percent(y as string)
if len(y) then
v = split(y, ".")
f_percent = application.proper(f_convert(clng(v(0))))
if ubound(v) = 1 then
v(1) = left$(v(1), 2)
if left$(v(1), 1) = "0" then f_percent = application.proper(f_percent & " point zero " & f_convert(clng(right$(v(1), 1)))) else f_percent = application.proper(f_percent & " point " & f_convert(clng(v(1))))
end if
f_percent = f_percent & " percent"
end if
end function
and don't forget to mark this thread as solved :
thread tools from the menu link above and mark this thread as solved.