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VBA Code for Percentage value to English Word

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  1. #1
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    VBA Code for Percentage value to English Word

    Hi everyone,

    What is the VBA code for converting percentage value to English Word.

    85.51 = Eighty Five point Fifty One Percent
    91.00 = Ninety One Percent
    7.11 = Seven point Eleven Percent

    Thank you in advance
    Last edited by chergian; 03-15-2017 at 04:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru karedog's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Code for Percentage value to English Word

    Maybe :
    'Function F_convert() and F_mats() are taken from "http://www.snb-vba.eu/VBA_Getallen_naar_tekst_en.html"
    Private Function F_convert(y)
      F_convert = "Invalid input"
      'If y = "" Or Val(y) = 0 Then Exit Function
      If y = "" Then Exit Function
      c00 = Format(Val(1 * y), String(3 * ((Len(Format(Val(1 * y))) - 1) \ 3 + 1), "0"))
      For j = 1 To Len(c00) \ 3
          x = Mid(c00, 3 * (j - 1) + 1, 3)
          sp = Array(F_mats(Left(x, 1)), F_mats(Val(Right(x, 2))), F_mats(Right(x, 1)), F_mats(Mid(x, 2, 1) & "0"), F_mats(Mid(x, 2, 1)))
          c01 = c01 & IIf(sp(0) = "", "", sp(0) & " Hundred ") & IIf(Right(x, 2) = "00", "", IIf(sp(1) <> "", sp(1), IIf(Mid(x, 2, 1) = "1", Trim(sp(2)) & "teen", IIf(sp(3) = "", sp(4) & "ty", sp(3)) & " " & sp(2)))) & Choose(Len(c00) \ 3 - j + 1, "", " Thousand ", " Million ", " Billion ")
      F_convert = IIf(c01 = "", "zero", Replace(c01, " ", " "))
    End Function
    Private Function F_mats(y)
      On Error Resume Next
      F_mats = Split(Split(" 0 1One 2Two 3Three 4Four 5Five 6Six 7Seven 8Eight 9Nine 10Ten 11Eleven 12Twelve 13Thirteen 15Fifteen 20Twenty 30Thirty 50Fifty 80Eighty ", y)(1))(0)
    End Function
    Private Function F_percent(y As String)
      If Len(y) Then
         v = Split(y, ".")
         F_percent = Application.Proper(F_convert(CLng(v(0))))
         If UBound(v) = 1 Then F_percent = F_percent & " point " & F_convert(CLng(v(1)))
         F_percent = F_percent & " Percent"
      End If
    End Function
    Sub Test()
      Debug.Print F_percent("")
      Debug.Print F_percent("0")
      Debug.Print F_percent("85")
      Debug.Print F_percent("85.51")
      Debug.Print F_percent("7.11")
    End Sub
    1. I care dog
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  3. #3
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    Re: VBA Code for Percentage value to English Word

    Quote Originally Posted by karedog View Post
    Maybe :
    'Function F_convert() and F_mats() are taken from "http://www.snb-vba.eu/VBA_Getallen_naar_tekst_en.html"
    Private Function F_convert(y)
      F_convert = "Invalid input"
      'If y = "" Or Val(y) = 0 Then Exit Function
      If y = "" Then Exit Function
      c00 = Format(Val(1 * y), String(3 * ((Len(Format(Val(1 * y))) - 1) \ 3 + 1), "0"))
      For j = 1 To Len(c00) \ 3
          x = Mid(c00, 3 * (j - 1) + 1, 3)
          sp = Array(F_mats(Left(x, 1)), F_mats(Val(Right(x, 2))), F_mats(Right(x, 1)), F_mats(Mid(x, 2, 1) & "0"), F_mats(Mid(x, 2, 1)))
          c01 = c01 & IIf(sp(0) = "", "", sp(0) & " Hundred ") & IIf(Right(x, 2) = "00", "", IIf(sp(1) <> "", sp(1), IIf(Mid(x, 2, 1) = "1", Trim(sp(2)) & "teen", IIf(sp(3) = "", sp(4) & "ty", sp(3)) & " " & sp(2)))) & Choose(Len(c00) \ 3 - j + 1, "", " Thousand ", " Million ", " Billion ")
      F_convert = IIf(c01 = "", "zero", Replace(c01, " ", " "))
    End Function
    Private Function F_mats(y)
      On Error Resume Next
      F_mats = Split(Split(" 0 1One 2Two 3Three 4Four 5Five 6Six 7Seven 8Eight 9Nine 10Ten 11Eleven 12Twelve 13Thirteen 15Fifteen 20Twenty 30Thirty 50Fifty 80Eighty ", y)(1))(0)
    End Function
    Private Function F_percent(y As String)
      If Len(y) Then
         v = Split(y, ".")
         F_percent = Application.Proper(F_convert(CLng(v(0))))
         If UBound(v) = 1 Then F_percent = F_percent & " point " & F_convert(CLng(v(1)))
         F_percent = F_percent & " Percent"
      End If
    End Function
    Sub Test()
      Debug.Print F_percent("")
      Debug.Print F_percent("0")
      Debug.Print F_percent("85")
      Debug.Print F_percent("85.51")
      Debug.Print F_percent("7.11")
    End Sub

    Thank you so much karedog.... But there are something wrong with .01 to .09, it's spell this way:

    90.01 spell as "Ninety point One Percent" - instead "Ninety point Zero One Percent"
    90.02 spell as "Ninety point Two Percent" - instead "Ninety point Zero Two Percent"
    ...and up to .09...

    Hope you get my point...

  4. #4
    Forum Guru karedog's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Code for Percentage value to English Word

    Replace the F_percent() function above with this :

    Private Function F_percent(y As String)
      If Len(y) Then
         v = Split(y, ".")
         F_percent = Application.Proper(F_convert(CLng(v(0))))
         If UBound(v) = 1 Then
            v(1) = Left$(v(1), 2)
            If Left$(v(1), 1) = "0" Then F_percent = Application.Proper(F_percent & " point Zero " & F_convert(CLng(Right$(v(1), 1)))) Else F_percent = Application.Proper(F_percent & " point " & F_convert(CLng(v(1))))
         End If
         F_percent = F_percent & " Percent"
      End If
    End Function
    And don't forget to mark this thread as solved :
    select Thread Tools from the menu link above and mark this thread as SOLVED.

  5. #5
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    Re: VBA Code for Percentage value to English Word

    Quote Originally Posted by karedog View Post
    replace the f_percent() function above with this :

    private function f_percent(y as string)
      if len(y) then
         v = split(y, ".")
         f_percent = application.proper(f_convert(clng(v(0))))
         if ubound(v) = 1 then
            v(1) = left$(v(1), 2)
            if left$(v(1), 1) = "0" then f_percent = application.proper(f_percent & " point zero " & f_convert(clng(right$(v(1), 1)))) else f_percent = application.proper(f_percent & " point " & f_convert(clng(v(1))))
         end if
         f_percent = f_percent & " percent"
      end if
    end function
    and don't forget to mark this thread as solved :
    Select thread tools from the menu link above and mark this thread as solved.

    thank so much karedog... It works!

  6. #6
    Forum Guru karedog's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Code for Percentage value to English Word

    You are welcome, thanks for marking the thread as solved and for the rep.points.


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