I am having trouble with a SUMIF formula. I want to select the value for my SUMIF criteria from a cell that is one row above and two columns to the right.

This works
      SumIfCriteria = RngCell.Offset(-1, 2).Value
       RngCell.Formula = "=SumIf(($C4:$C50),3555,(J4:J50))"
This does not work
      SumCriteria = RngCell.Offset(-1, 2).Value
       RngCell.Formula = "=SumIf(($C4:$C50), SumIfCriteria,(J4:J50))"
The result must be a formula and not a value. The numbers added may change at any time and only the numbers associated with the code one row above and two columns to the right of RngCell should be associated. That code can change.

Thank you for your help.