I am trying to save and replace(if it already exists) an excel workbook into a specified folder. While saving I want the date to be attached to the filename. Ex: D:\Excelbooks\wb1_07-03-2017.xlsm. If the file already exists I just want it to be replaced by the most recent one.
Currently rather than replace the filename, I’m actually creating a new folder everytime with the date attached. This creates a problem that there will be too many folders created.
Here I'm actually creating the folder name with date attached. But rather than creating a new folder I would like to save/replace(if it already exists) the workbook into D:\Excelbooks
DateString = Format(Now, "yyyy-mm-dd")
FolderName = dUMMY1.Path & "\" & dUMMY1.Name & " " & DateString
MkDir FolderName
Also how can I make the code to run at a pre-determined time say 10AM GMT every Monday to Saturday; rather than click the submit button everytime to save it?