Hello SLBell,
Good news. I've implemented the code into the sample that you supplied and it works nicely. I don't know where you placed the code, but it needs to go into the worksheet module. So, right click on the "All" sheet tab and select "View Code" from the menu that appears. In the big white field that then appears, paste the code. I've made a minor adjustment to the code as follows so use this instead of the first one I supplied:-
The only differences are:-
- I've declared a last column variable so, if you ever need to add more columns, you won't have to alter the code to suit.
- I've added a Columns.AutoFit line of code. This will automatically fit the data nicely into each column in the sheets where the data is transferred to.
I've attached your sample with the code implemented. I have tampered with your "All" sheet a little as you may notice. Each cell in Column B now has drop down boxes which will save you the task of typing in the type of payment. You can add to the list whenever necessary by using Data Validation. I have added another column for payment numbers more so to take care of the fact that you may receive payments by cheque thus all payments by cheque will be recorded in the "Chq" sheet.
I hope that this helps.