I am building some shortcuts into excel and am wondering how do I make a keyboard shortcut that can toggle between different formats. I would like to create several toggles highlighted below and hopefully more thereafter:

- Toggle Between Colors with “Cntrl + Shift + C” (Blue, Green, Red)
- Toggle Between Fill Color with “Cntrl + Shift + Y” (Yellow, Grey, Beige)
- Toggle Between Number Formats with “Cntrl + Shift + N” (Number, Currency, Percent, Multiple(ie: 5.0x ) )

Also, when I create my own keyboard shortcuts, I cannot press “Cntrl + Z” to undo them. Is there something I can do to the code to allow me to press “Cntrl + Z” to undo my keyboard macros. For example, assuming I can get the above to work, If I press “Cntrl + Shift + C” to get a black cell to turn blue, then I would like to be able to press “Cntrl + Z” to undo it back to black if necessary.