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Code to return the 2nd highest value from each tab of another workbook to current workbook

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    Code to return the 2nd highest value from each tab of another workbook to current workbook

    Hello! I'm extremely new to macros and codes and have only run a few successfully. I apologize for any glaring mistakes!

    I'm trying to come up with a code to return the 2nd highest value from the "D" column of each tab of another workbook to my current workbook. Please see my code below. I pieced it together from other codes that I've used in the past and another code that I found online. I keep getting errors left and right when I try to alter the code. When I try to use the one below, I get a "Compile Error: Type Mismatch" popup. Can anyone help me fix this code/come up with a better one? Thank you!

    Sub Test()
      Dim WS As Worksheet
      Dim Source As Range, Dest As Range, rng As Range, cell As Range
      Dim highestValue As Double, secondHighestValue As Double
      Set rng = "D:D"
      highestValue = 0
      secondHighestValue = 0
      'Set the first cell
      Set Dest = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("D3")
      'Visit each sheet
      For Each WS In Workbooks("CAMPUS SHUTTLE TRACKING 2010-2011.xls").Worksheets
      'Find Highest Value
      For Each cell In rng
      Next cell
      If cell.Value > highestValue Then highestValue = cell.Value
      'Find Second Highest Value
       For Each cell In rng
      Next cell
      If cell.Value > secondHighestValue And cell.Value < highestValue Then secondHighestValue = cell.Value
        'Write the value into there
        Dest = cell.Value
        'Refer to the next cell below
        Set Dest = Dest.Offset(1)
    End Sub
    Last edited by craftyocelot; 03-02-2017 at 09:57 AM.

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