It's just the naming of the sheet ... it's limited to 31 characters. I've changed it so the forms are sequentially numbered instead. Replace the code with the below:
Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Const conIDCol = "A"
Const conNameCol = "B"
Const conTypeCol = "C"
Const conDeptCol = "D"
Const conFromCol = "E"
Const conToCol = "F"
Const conDaysCol = "G"
Const conYNCol = "H"
Private Sub cmdCreateLeaveForm_Click()
Dim lngLastRow As Long, i As Long
Dim wksData As Worksheet, wksForm As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range, cel As Range
Dim strID As String, strName As String, strType As String, strDept As String, strFrom As String, strTo As String, strDays As String
Set wksData = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("LeaveData")
Set wksForm = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("FormTemplate")
lngLastRow = wksData.Range(conYNCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set rng = wksData.Range(conYNCol & 2 & ":" & conYNCol & lngLastRow)
For Each cel In rng
If Left(cel.Value, 1) = "Y" Then
i = i + 1
strID = cel.Offset(0, -7).Text
strName = cel.Offset(0, -6).Text
strType = cel.Offset(0, -5).Text
strDept = cel.Offset(0, -4).Text
strFrom = Format(cel.Offset(0, -3).Text, "dd mmm yy")
strTo = Format(cel.Offset(0, -2).Text, "dd mmm yy")
strDays = cel.Offset(0, -1).Text
'create instance of the leave form:
wksForm.Copy after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
ActiveSheet.Name = "Leave Form " & i
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Leave Form " & i)
'populate fields in leave application form:
.Range("FORMCodeNo").Value = strID
.Range("FORMName").Value = strName
.Range("FORMDepartment").Value = strDept
.Range("FORMNature").Value = strType
.Range("FORMDateFrom").Value = strFrom
.Range("FORMDateTo").Value = strTo
.Range("FORMTotalDays").Value = strDays
.Range("FORMApplicationDate").Value = Format(Date, "dd mmm yy")
'populate fields in leave pass:
.Range("FORM_LP_CodeNo").Value = strID
.Range("FORM_LP_Name").Value = strName
.Range("FORM_LP_Department").Value = strDept
.Range("FORM_LP_ApplicationDate").Value = .Range("FORMApplicationDate").Value
.Range("FORM_LP_TotalDays").Value = .Range("FORMTotalDays").Value
.Range("FORM_LP_DateFrom").Value = .Range("FORMDateFrom").Value
.Range("FORM_LP_DateTo").Value = .Range("FORMDateTo").Value
End With
End If
Next cel
MsgBox ("Number of forms created = " & i)
End Sub