Additional info: The OPEN file statements are shown below in bold. Is there an option to ignore the 'File Contains Macros' message?
Here is the macro code to open the files….
Sub Process_one_File(folderPathname As String, registrationFileName As String)
Dim sheetName As String
Dim ok As Integer
Dim lastRow1 As Long
Dim lastRow2 As Long
Dim sourceDataRange As Range
Dim MasterDataRange As Range
Dim itemRange As Range
Dim itemCell As Range
Dim clubAbbrev As String
Dim r As Long
ok = 1
If registrationFileName = ThisWorkbook.Name Then ok = 0 ' skip this file
If Left$(registrationFileName, 11) = "GSL-Entries" Then ok = 0 'skip backup copies of this file
If ok = 0 Then Exit Sub
'MsgBox registrationFileName
' ... Begin by opeing the selected file, etc (MAC version)
If Application.OperatingSystem Like "*Mac*" Then
Workbooks.Open filename:=folderPathname & ":" & registrationFileName, ReadOnly:=True
Workbooks.Open filename:=folderPathname & "\" & registrationFileName, ReadOnly:=True
End If
' …… process the file…