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Bypass "File has Macros" warning when opening a series of excel files to extract data?

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  1. #1
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Bypass "File has Macros" warning when opening a series of excel files to extract data?

    I have a working Excel macro that combines data from several other files that all have the same layout. My annoyance is that it prompts me for each file being opened saying that it contains macros, etc and do I want to continue.

    Is there a way to bypass this so the entire process is more streamlined?
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  2. #2
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    Re: Bypass "File has Macros" warning when opening a series of excel files to extract data?

    Additional info: The OPEN file statements are shown below in bold. Is there an option to ignore the 'File Contains Macros' message?

    Here is the macro code to open the files….
     Sub Process_one_File(folderPathname As String, registrationFileName As String)
      Dim sheetName As String
      Dim ok As Integer
      Dim lastRow1 As Long
      Dim lastRow2 As Long
      Dim sourceDataRange As Range
      Dim MasterDataRange As Range
      Dim itemRange As Range
      Dim itemCell As Range
      Dim clubAbbrev As String
      Dim r As Long
      ok = 1
      If registrationFileName = ThisWorkbook.Name Then ok = 0   ' skip this file
      If Left$(registrationFileName, 11) = "GSL-Entries" Then ok = 0   'skip backup copies of this file
      If ok = 0 Then Exit Sub
      'MsgBox registrationFileName
      ' ...  Begin by opeing the selected file, etc   (MAC version)
      If Application.OperatingSystem Like "*Mac*" Then
        Workbooks.Open filename:=folderPathname & ":" & registrationFileName, ReadOnly:=True
        Workbooks.Open filename:=folderPathname & "\" & registrationFileName, ReadOnly:=True
      End If
      '  ……  process the file…

  3. #3
    Forum Guru bakerman2's Avatar
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    Re: Bypass "File has Macros" warning when opening a series of excel files to extract data?

    Try putting

    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    before opening the file.

    Don't forget to switch it back to True after processing the file.
    Avoid using Select, Selection and Activate in your code. Use With ... End With instead.
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  4. #4
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    Re: Bypass "File has Macros" warning when opening a series of excel files to extract data?

    Thanks bakerman2 for the tip. I had forgotten about that.

    Unfortunately, it did not do the trick when I grid it. :-(

  5. #5
    Forum Guru bakerman2's Avatar
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    Re: Bypass "File has Macros" warning when opening a series of excel files to extract data?

    I had my doubts it would work since this is a Security feature against malicious software.

    One other option is to add the location of the files to the Trusted Locations in Excel Options.

  6. #6
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    Re: Bypass "File has Macros" warning when opening a series of excel files to extract data?

    as bakerman pointed out
    its a security feature which you need to bypass

    some step by step

    comments at end gives other suggests other things you may want to try
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  7. #7
    Forum Guru xlnitwit's Avatar
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    Re: Bypass "File has Macros" warning when opening a series of excel files to extract data?


    I suggest
    application.automationsecurity = msoautomationsecuritylow
    Please remember to mark your thread 'Solved' when appropriate.

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