Hi everyone!
I have a problem that someone else has solved, but they posted the solution on a forum where I cannot comment or contact the originator even with account.
I have some scatter charts that have overlapping labels, like as follows:
Screen Shot 2017-02-22 at 3.26.43 PM.png
I'm trying to find a macro that will allow me to click on a chart, press a button and then the labels wiggle out of the way from overlapping. The code that follows from a guy/gal named TacoV at Stack Overflow follows, and it reports to do the trick nicely:
Option Explicit
Sub ExampleUsage()
RearrangeScatterLabels ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart, 3
End Sub
Sub RearrangeScatterLabels(plot As Chart, Optional timelimit As Double = 5)
Dim sCollection As SeriesCollection
Set sCollection = plot.SeriesCollection
Dim pCount As Integer
pCount = sCollection(1).Points.Count
If pCount < 2 Then Exit Sub
Dim dPoints() As Point
Dim xArr() As Double ' Label center position X
Dim yArr() As Double ' Label center position Y
Dim wArr() As Double ' Label width
Dim hArr() As Double ' Label height
Dim pArr() As Double ' Marker position X
Dim qArr() As Double ' Marker position Y
Dim mArr() As Double ' Markersize
ReDim dPoints(1 To pCount)
ReDim xArr(1 To pCount)
ReDim yArr(1 To pCount)
ReDim wArr(1 To pCount)
ReDim hArr(1 To pCount)
ReDim pArr(1 To pCount)
ReDim qArr(1 To pCount)
ReDim mArr(1 To pCount)
Dim theta As Double
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim dblStart As Double
' Loop through all points to get their handles and coordinates
For i = 1 To pCount
' Store all point objects
Set dPoints(i) = sCollection(1).Points(i)
' Extract their coordinates and size
pArr(i) = dPoints(i).Left
qArr(i) = dPoints(i).Top
mArr(i) = dPoints(i).MarkerSize
' Store the size of the corresponding labels
wArr(i) = dPoints(i).DataLabel.Width
hArr(i) = dPoints(i).DataLabel.Height
' Starting position (center of label) is middle below
xArr(i) = pArr(i)
yArr(i) = qArr(i) + mArr(i)
Dim newX As Double
Dim newY As Double
Dim dE As Double
Dim wgtOverlap As Double
Dim wgtDistance As Double
Dim wgtClose As Double
wgtOverlap = 10000 ' Extra penalty for overlapping
wgtDistance = 10000 ' Penalty for being nearby other labels
wgtClose = 10 ' Penalty for being further from marker
' Limit the function by time
dblStart = Timer
Do Until TimerDiff(dblStart, Timer) > timelimit
' Pick a random label to move around
i = Int(Rnd * pCount + 1)
' Pick a new random position by angle
theta = Rnd * 2 * Application.WorksheetFunction.Pi()
' Determine the position it would shift to
If Abs(Sin(theta) * wArr(i)) > Abs(hArr(i) * Cos(theta)) Then
' above or below
If Sin(theta) > 0 Then
' above
newX = pArr(i) + wArr(i) * Cos(theta) / 2
newY = qArr(i) - hArr(i) / 2 - mArr(i) / 2
' below
newX = pArr(i) + wArr(i) * Cos(theta) / 2
newY = qArr(i) + hArr(i) / 2 + mArr(i) / 2
End If
' left or right side
If Cos(theta) < 0 Then
' left
newX = pArr(i) - wArr(i) / 2 - mArr(i) / 2
newY = qArr(i) - hArr(i) * Sin(theta) / 2
' right
newX = pArr(i) + wArr(i) / 2 + mArr(i) / 2
newY = qArr(i) - hArr(i) * Sin(theta) / 2
End If
End If
' Determine increase in energy caused by this shift
dE = 0
For j = 1 To pCount
If i <> j Then
' Current overlap with labels
If 2 * Abs(xArr(i) - xArr(j)) < wArr(i) + wArr(j) _
And 2 * Abs(yArr(i) - yArr(j)) < hArr(i) + hArr(j) Then
dE = dE - Abs(xArr(i) - xArr(j) + (wArr(i) + wArr(j)) / 2) _
* Abs(yArr(i) - yArr(j) + (hArr(i) + hArr(j)) / 2)
dE = dE - wgtOverlap
End If
' New overlap with labels
If 2 * Abs(newX - xArr(j)) < wArr(i) + wArr(j) _
And 2 * Abs(newY - yArr(j)) < hArr(i) + hArr(j) Then
dE = dE + Abs(newX - xArr(j) + (wArr(i) + wArr(j)) / 2) _
* Abs(newY - yArr(j) + (hArr(i) + hArr(j)) / 2)
dE = dE + wgtOverlap
End If
' Current overlap with labels
If Abs(xArr(i) - pArr(j)) < wArr(i) / 2 + mArr(j) _
And Abs(yArr(i) - qArr(j)) < hArr(i) / 2 + mArr(j) Then
dE = dE - wgtOverlap
End If
' New overlap with points
If Abs(newX - pArr(j)) < wArr(i) / 2 + mArr(j) _
And Abs(newY - qArr(j)) < hArr(i) / 2 + mArr(j) Then
dE = dE + wgtOverlap
End If
' We like the neighbours to be far away
dE = dE - wgtDistance / ((xArr(i) - xArr(j)) ^ 2 + (yArr(i) - yArr(j)) ^ 2)
dE = dE + wgtDistance / ((newX - xArr(j)) ^ 2 + (newY - yArr(j)) ^ 2)
End If
' We like the offsets to be low
dE = dE - wgtClose * (Abs(xArr(i) - pArr(i)) + Abs(yArr(i) - qArr(i)))
dE = dE + wgtClose * (Abs(newX - pArr(i)) + Abs(newY - qArr(i)))
' If it didn't get worse, adjust to new position
If dE <= 0 Then
xArr(i) = newX
yArr(i) = newY
End If
' Actually adjust the labels
For i = 1 To pCount
dPoints(i).DataLabel.Left = xArr(i) - wArr(i) / 2
dPoints(i).DataLabel.Top = yArr(i) - hArr(i) / 2
End Sub
' Timer function from Peter Albert
' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15634623
Function TimerDiff(dblTimerStart As Double, dblTimerEnd As Double)
Dim dblTemp As Double
dblTemp = dblTimerEnd - dblTimerStart
If dblTemp < -43200 Then
dblTemp = dblTemp + 86400
End If
TimerDiff = dblTemp
End Function
However if I try to run it in Excel 2016, I get an Overflow 6 with an arrow on the line in bold above.
Does anyone know how to fix that issue? I really would ask the folks on that post, but they don't allow me to do so! Thanks!