the code it deletes the formula in all rows that data was not transferred to in the dest sheet
In one instance you are clearing the formulas in column 7 in the range A2:M80
destSheet.Range(destSheet.Cells(2, 1), destSheet.Cells(80, 13)).ClearContents
In a second instance, if conditions met, you would have been overwriting even if they weren't cleared (A2:N80)
Me.Range(Cells(i, 1), Cells(i, 13)).Copy Destination:=destSheet.Range(destSheet.Cells(j, 1), destSheet.Cells(j, 14))
Looking at both code lines, you are clearing cells to row 80 (including formulas) but may not be utilizing all of the 80 rows with cleared cells in column G because of your conditional statement. That is why rows that data was not transferred to have no formula.
Both ranges involve clear or overwrite rows in column G. I would suggest to either move you formulas to column 15 or paste in an area beyond column 7. If you want to keep the sheet in the current format, I would delete the line that clears the range and add after the conditional statement a code line that erases the row prior to transferring the data to it. This way you are clearing only the rows that will be written to.
Sub CallMacro()
Range("B1").Sort Key1:=Range("B2"), _
Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, _
j = 2
Set destSheet = Worksheets("Mar17")
Application.EnableEvents = False
'destSheet.Range(destSheet.Cells(2, 1), destSheet.Cells(80, 13)).ClearContents
For i = 2 To 80
If Not UCase(Me.Cells(i, 14)) = "X" And IsEmpty(Me.Cells(i, 2).Value) = False Then
destSheet.Range(destSheet.Cells(j, 1), destSheet.Cells(j, 14)).ClearContents
Me.Range(Cells(i, 1), Cells(i, 13)).Copy Destination:=destSheet.Range(destSheet.Cells(j, 1), destSheet.Cells(j, 14))
j = j + 1
End If
Next i
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub