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My Dependent Combo boxes are not pulling the range - Help!

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Talking My Dependent Combo boxes are not pulling the range - Help!

    Hi! I'm new to the forum and to VBA. Here's my story!

    I have 3 combo boxes on a worksheet called Statutory Flow Sheet.

    I'm also using a worksheet in the same workbook for Data Validation (name).

    I'm using named ranges for just about everything.

    State Combo box uses a regular fill range pointing to the named range of "State".

    I want the FilingType combo box to point to a range dependent on the state.

    Dilemma 1 - the named range I want it to point to is this = first 2 letters from state combo box & "FilingTypeUnique". I have the range already created.

    Dilemma 2 - once FilingType combo box is pointing to the correct range and I make a selection, I need the Attachment1 combo box to be dependent on that and point to this range = first 2 letters from state combo box & "Attachments" & the value from the FilingType combo box.

    Below is the code I have. I know I'm missing stuff! Any guidance would be helpful! FYI - I did try listfillrange and didn't get the result I need. I also need this to not bog down the sheet. This is for a production environment.

    [CODE][/Private Sub State_Change()
    Dim FilingTypeRangeName As String
    FilingTypeRangeName = "=" & Left(State, 2) & "FilingTypeUnique"
    ComboBox.FilingType.RowSource = FilingTypeRangeName

    End Sub
    Private Sub FilingType_Change()
    Dim AttachmentRangeName As String
    AttachmentRangeName = "=" & FilingTypeRangeName & FilingType
    ComboBox.Attachment1.RowSource = AttachmentRangeName

    End Sub

  2. #2
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: My Dependent Combo boxes are not pulling the range - Help!

    See if this article can help you out. It's a different approach: http://www.utteraccess.com/wiki/inde...ists_%28VBA%29.
    One spreadsheet to rule them all. One spreadsheet to find them. One spreadsheet to bring them all and at corporate, bind them.

    A picture is worth a thousand words, but a sample spreadsheet is more likely to be worked on.

  3. #3
    Valued Forum Contributor Maudibe's Avatar
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    Re: My Dependent Combo boxes are not pulling the range - Help!

    Try this code as a replacement

    Private Sub State_Change()
        FilingType.ListFillRange = Left(State.Value, 2) & "FilingTypeUnique"
    End Sub
    Private Sub FilingType_Change()
        Attachment1.ListFillRange = Left(State.Value, 2) & "Attachments" & FilingType.Value
    End Sub

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