I have many rows of data in multiple columns (Cells A7:J1300).
A user selects a name from a validation list in Cell E2.
Once a name in E2 is chosen, I have a macro that selects the matching cell in Column D7:D1300 using Application.Goto .
What I am trying to do from here is:
1- Copy the active cell along with several cells adjacent to the active cell (example: copy active cell = cell D:200 + E:200 through U:200)
2- Paste values of all those cells in the next available (empty) row in say "sheet2".
3- Message box confirming that cells have been pasted
4- Hide or possibly Delete the row the entire row from which all the cells were copied from.
Struggling with the adjacent cells and deleting/hiding the original row.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.