I have a problem with my search blowing up with a server error so while I'd like to benefit from all the other expertise before reinventing the wheel I'm resigned to ask for help.I know there's lots of wonderful help here but I apologize for my search problems in advance. Sorry to vent.
I need a macro I can run on my active worksheet in cell range N:17 to NN:300 that will search for cells with cell color RGB(0, 255, 0) and insert the value 1 in them so I can make use of my SUMIFS formula outside of this range which looking for certain row conditions and determining totals.
In back ground; For a previous attempt without programming I tried the fill blank cells in the range it filled all the cells. That was good but when I tried the search and replace and choosing cell format it would not find a value. With out the format it found all the 1s but once I selected format no results regardless of color. I looked all over online and Excel's finicky find is well known in later generations. It seems simple enough but strange response.
Anyway I'd appreciate it if someone had a simple macro for this.
Gratitude in advance!!