Hi everyone

I hjave a question with regards to my code below.

The code looks at the value of the cell and send a meeting invitation from my outlook calendar. This works absolutely fine, however I need the meeting requests to be sent from my shared calendar. My company have given me access to the shared calendar and the file is somewhere in the network.

Is there anyway I can modify the code so the th emeeting request to be sent from the shared calendar and not muy default calendar which is my own.

Thanks in advance for any help

Sub EB()
Dim objOApp As New Outlook.Application
 Dim objAppt As AppointmentItem
 Dim oExp As Outlook.Explorer
 Set objOApp = New Outlook.Application
 Set objAppt = objOApp.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem)
 Set oExp = objOApp.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).GetExplorer

 With objAppt
 .RequiredAttendees = RngtoCheck
 .Subject = "Brief"
 .Importance = 2 ' high
 .Start = Range("d4").Value & " " & " 08:30"
 .End = Range("d4").Value & " " & "9:30"
 .Location = Range("I4").Value
 .Body = "Hi," & vbCrLf _
 & "Could you please do todays brief?" & vbCrLf _

 .MeetingStatus = 1
 .ResponseRequested = True

 End With

End If
 Set objOApp = Nothing
 Set objAppt = Nothing
 Set oExp = Nothing
 Exit Sub
        End If

End Sub