I had a project management file before that I used a changed event macro, but it was all based on each project being in 1 row. And of course this would mean that within one column there would be an abundance of data as comments were added. it made it difficyult to manage multiple projects trying to scroll through them. if is not uncommon for me to manage 12+ projects, and I wanted an more efficient way to do it. I did some searching, and found this template online that I liked, and then tweeked it to my needs. Now I could really use your help to kick it up a notch. As expected projects will be completed. I don't want to delete them, only to move the project rows (7 rows per project) to the "Completed_Projects" tab.
Headers reside on row 1 (on both tabs)
Each Project is a total of 7 rows (2-8, 9-15, 16-22, etc)
I want the trigger (if possible) to be if ALL 4 of the items for each project (within those 7 rows) to show as Complete
... For example if K3-K6 are All listed as Completed, then rows 2-8 are moved to Projects_Completed tab.
... If it is not possible to set this based on mustiple cells, I would choose, the 4th dropdown, which is K6, then rows 2-8 could be moved.
Obviously each time a project is moved to the completed_Projects tab it is placed on the next available blank row.
The code I used on my original project which works flawlessly is shown below. I imagine making modifications to the code below would be easier than attempting to start from scratch.
Option Explicit Dim Flag As Boolean Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim LR As Long LR = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row If Flag = True Then Exit Sub '' Column K is Status Column '' Column K is where Designated "Target" appears If Not Intersect(Target, Range("K2:K" & LR)) Is Nothing Then '' Complete is the "trigger status used If Target.Text = "Complete" Then LR = Sheets("Completed_Projects").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1 Target.EntireRow.Copy Sheets("Projects_Complete").Range("A" & LR).PasteSpecial Flag = True Target.EntireRow.Delete End If End If Application.CutCopyMode = False Flag = False End Sub