Dear ExcelForum members,
Hope all is well.
I posted this in functions, but no one seems to know how to get around this VBA problem...So I try my luck here
For instance, take a look at my attachment.
I have a pivot table, sheet name "pivot table", and then I have a sheet name, "data", where I fill out the persons name, project name and then at the top "Klicka här för att lägga..." is just a macro command. As you fill out the information and then click on the box, the information will appear below in the table, and the pivot table. In addition, I have added information at the sheet name, "pivot table" to the right of it, you can see information of every week of the month from januari week 1 2017 to 2018. The numbers are stating total number of hours which are references and summurization of hours from each week, this derives from sheet names "1", "2", and "3" and so forth.
My question is, when I fill out information, in the sheet name "data", how can i make it appear automatically to show up in "sheet" pivot table. I tried with "show report filter pages" which will show every project in its own sheet, but how do I manage to make it show up like that automatically when I fill out information in the sheet name "data"? Also, if you look at sheet name "1", it will show project name "IKEA" in cell A5, but i did this manually. My questions is, how do I make this sheet appear in this format automatically?
Best regards