Hi All,

Please I urgently need help.

I designed a template whose data is driven by a Pivot table source. The pivot Table is in turn driven by a source data in the same workbook. I used "IF" formula to pull the data from the pivot table(for example "=if('Sheet1'!B17="","",'Sheet1'!B17). the challenge is that source data are dynamic on a month to month basis and each time I update the the pivot table based on the source data. The 'IF' formula (in the template) is static and does not change with the pivot table row heading/title. Please what can i do to make the template(&'IF' formula) row heading to be dynamic with the pivot table when refreshed.

How do i make 'B17' in the pivot dynamic with my template?

Just to note that I am not that too vb savvy.

Appreciate you reply as urgently as possible

Thank You