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How to pull data from multiple excel file with password protect

  1. #1
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    How to pull data from multiple excel file with password protect

    I have multiple excel file with password protect , I want to pull the data in one master file through VBA. kindly help me

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator davesexcel's Avatar
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    Re: How to pull data from multiple excel file with password protect

    Help you with what?, you haven't offered any information.

  3. #3
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    Re: How to pull data from multiple excel file with password protect

    Dear Sir,

    I have multiple excel file with password protected , I want merge the data in one master excel file using VBA code/Macro. kindly help me pls

  4. #4
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    Re: How to pull data from multiple excel file with password protect

    i want macro code for , I've 10 workbooks (which represent different folder) that populate a one master workbook

    We've now started to password protect the 10 workbooks. When i open the master workbook and click update - i get prompted to enter the passwords of the 10 workbooks

    My question - is it possbile to automatically have the passwords entered so that the master can get updated?

  5. #5
    Forum Moderator davesexcel's Avatar
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    Re: How to pull data from multiple excel file with password protect

    Here is a thread about opening a password protected workbook.


  6. #6
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    Re: How to pull data from multiple excel file with password protect

    Dear Sir,

    I have 5 files with same header in different location . End of the day i want to combine the data from this 5 file to master file.

    but i got some code with my friend below mention,

    sub simpleXlsMerger()
    Dim bookList As Workbook
    Dim mergeObj As Object, dirObj As Object, filesObj As Object, everyObj As Object
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set mergeObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    'change folder path of excel files here
    Set dirObj = mergeObj.Getfolder("C:\Temp\ExcelFilesMerge")
    Set filesObj = dirObj.Files
    For Each everyObj In filesObj
    Set bookList = Workbooks.Open(everyObj)

    'change "A2" with cell reference of start point for every files here
    'for example "B3:IV" to merge all files start from columns B and rows 3
    'If you're files using more than IV column, change it to the latest column
    'Also change "A" column on "A65536" to the same column as start point
    Range("A2:IV" & Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row).Copy

    'Do not change the following column. It's not the same column as above
    Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    End Sub

    but this code extract in one folder,, how can i write code for different folder location and specific file name. and how to mention password array code for open file ( becaz all excel file password protect)
    kindly help me out please.

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