I implemented all your requests. There are now 3 main routines to do the processing:
a. CreateDataValidationForOneNameController() - This process a one cell change in Column 'F'. It actually has to do two passes. The first pass puts the 'Data Validation' in Column 'G' for the 'New Name' in the Cell in Column 'F'. The second pass puts 'Data Validation in Column 'G' for the name in Column 'F' that was just deleted (it it still exists in other cells in Column 'F').
b. NewNameInColumnGDataEntry() - This puts the 'Data Validation' in Column 'G' for the 'Name' in the Cell in Column 'F'.
c. CreateTheEntireDataValidationList() - This is similar to the routine in the previous version, and calculates 'Data Validation' for every non-blank cell in Column F. This still takes a long time. It is only activated when more than one cell changes value (e.g. when a cut and paste is done).
In the Sheet Code module (for each sheet you want to run the software):
Code is too long for one post - will be continued in next post.