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Format picture based on cell value

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  1. #1
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    Format picture based on cell value

    Hello all!

    I'm trying to figure out how to use a picture to illustrate the % of college degree completions in Oregon. I would like to format a picture, say the level of transparency, depending on the % completion in another cell. So, for example, if I crop the picture in quarters, and the completion rate is only 50% in cell A1, I would like the bottom 2 quarters to be in full color, and the top 2 quarters to be 40% transparent.

    Is this possible? And if so...can you help me with the code?


  2. #2
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    Re: Format picture based on cell value

    Welcome to the forum Betsy

    Try the attached file

    You must to add the pictures into the worksheet in a particular way to allow them to be made transparent - I will explain this later if the macro below is doing what you want. (There is a second macro in the workbook which will become relevant then)

    There are 4 images on Sheet1 - which are manipulated
    Change the value in cell A1 and then hit {CTRL} + t to run the macro
    Try any percentage between 0 and 100
    To make it more obvious I set the transparency level to 70%
    You can set it to whatever you want, if you amend the value of t in this line:
       t = 0.7
    The macro begins by setting all the images to the transparency level equal to the value of "t", then looks to value in cell A1 and to set transparency to 0 as determined by %complete

    Sub TransparentShapeInQuarters()
        Dim ws As Worksheet
        Dim PerCentComplete As Double, t As Double
        Dim picArray
        Set ws = Sheets("Sheet1")
        Dim a As Integer
    'set transparency value
        t = 0.7
    'set default value for variable "a" 
        a = 99
    'put picture names in an array
        picArray = Array("Boat 25%", "Boat 50%", "Boat 75%", "Boat 100%")
        With ws
    'where to find percentage complete
            PerCentComplete = .Range("A1").Value
    'make all 4 quarters partially transparent
            For Each shp In picArray
                With Selection.ShapeRange.Fill
                .Transparency = t
                End With
            Next shp
    'identify items to clear transparency
            Select Case PerCentComplete * 100
                Case 25 To 49
                    a = 0
                Case 50 To 74
                    a = 1
                Case 75 To 99
                    a = 2
                Case 100
                    a = 3
                Case Else
                    Exit Sub
            End Select
    'remove transparency
            For x = 0 To a
                With Selection.ShapeRange.Fill
                .Transparency = 0
                End With
            Next x
    'select cell A1 (cancels shape selection)
        End With
    End Sub
    Attached Files Attached Files

  3. #3
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    Re: Format picture based on cell value

    This is a different approach and is simpler
    Open file and amend value in A1
    This time the macro is called automatically when the value in cell A1 changes

    5 images were created
    Each is a complete picture, but a % each of picture has been washed out to create a transparency effect
    (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%)
    The 5 pictures sit on top of each other.
    The value in cell A1 determines which picture is on top (and is therefore visible)

    The change macro sits at worksheet level - right click on name Tab and "View Code"

    The code will be posted later IF the annoying firewall lets me!

    It is in the attached file if anybody wants to look at it

    In desperation here is a picture of the code:

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by kev_; 12-08-2016 at 07:59 AM.

  4. #4
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    Re: Format picture based on cell value

    And you could simply use conditional formatting (no code required)
    Some examples in attached workbook

    Select a cell to which conditional formatting has been applied and
    on HOME tab
    Conditional Formatting
    Manage Rules
    choose a Rule
    Edit Rule

    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #5
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    Re: Format picture based on cell value

    THANK YOU KEV!! Both of these work perfectly. I would like to know more about adding the pics using your first example. Also I imagine it would be possible to create a macro button to run the Ctrl t, just to reduce the keystrokes?

    Thank you SOOOO much!


  6. #6
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    Re: Format picture based on cell value

    The macro below (not mine, I found it somewhere and adapted it) is already in the file attached to my first post (= post#02)
    I created the 4 pictures (exactly the same size), then imported them one at a time into the worksheet using the macro.

    It is helpful to give the pictures meaningful names (this is not the filename but the name recognised within Excel)
    - I used names Boat 25%, Boat 50%, Boat 75%, Boat 100%

    Run the macro with {CTRL} + s

    - an input box pops up asking for a meaningful name (not the filename).
    - overwrite ??? with anything you like but do not leave it blank
    (I have not put any checks in to check for invalid characters - so use sensible normal letters and numbers - otherwise the VBA may crash later in the code)
    - navigate to the appropriate folder and find the file with the first picture.
    - the picture should appear in your sheet
    - repeat for the other pictures
    - move the pictures to where you want them

    The 100,100 are x and y co-ordinates for left corner of picture
    The 100,50 are the width and height of the picture
    ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 100, 100, 100, 50).Select
    Good luck! Come back with any further questions

    Sub AddPicThatCanBeMadeTransparent()
        Dim FileSpec As String
        ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 100, 100, 100, 50).Select
        Selection.Name = Application.InputBox("Enter a Picture Name for VBA", "Name Picture", "???", , , , , 2)
        FileSpec = Application.GetOpenFilename()
        With Selection.ShapeRange.Line
                .Weight = 0.75
                .DashStyle = msoLineSolid
                .Style = msoLineSingle
                .Transparency = 0#
                .Visible = msoFalse
                .ForeColor.SchemeColor = 64
                .BackColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
        End With
        On Error GoTo FileNotSelected
        With Selection.ShapeRange.Fill
            .Visible = msoTrue
            .ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
            .BackColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
            .UserPicture FileSpec
            .Transparency = 0.7
        End With
    Exit Sub

  7. #7
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    Re: Format picture based on cell value

    Thanks again Kev....this is exactly what I needed and I learned a lot too. So I can customize the next one. Thank you for being so helpful!


  8. #8
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    Re: Format picture based on cell value

    You are welcome

    Feel free to click on * to add reputation if you are happy with help given

    Also if your original question is answered please click on Thread Tools (top of thread) and mark thread as solved (keeps things tidy)
    But you can still ask further questions after that if you need some associated help.

  9. #9
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    Re: Format picture based on cell value

    Excellent! I will do both of those. Thanks for walking me through this...first time on forum! But...I'm sure I'll be back since I seem to say "I KNOW Excel SHOULD be able to do this"...like every day!

    Thanks again, really appreciate you!

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