So I've got this workbook that's been working rather well for awhile now, but something new has just come up that I've never done before in VBA. It's been asked of me if I can modify this button to create a pdf instead of having it create another spreadsheet instead.

This pdf would need to be created within the same folder location as the active workbook, and be named based of cells within the active workbook. The cells which would provide the naming convention for the pdf file exist in this order... C3, E2, E3 & E4 (E3 & E4 would be concatenated). So the pdf file name would look something like the following... C3 & "-" & "Lot" & " " & E2 & "-" & "Plan" & " " & E3 & E4.pdf. Or with context... Job Name-Lot 25-Plan 2B.pdf

Also, would like for this newly created pdf to be created on a specified sheet size and scaled to fit (shrink).

With all of that said, could somebody point me in the right direction with modifying the code below to achieve this?

Never dealt with pdf export in VBA, but I'm willing to learn, and I greatly appreciate any help at all.

Thank you so much in advance.

Private Sub PrintBtn8x11int_Click()

Dim CurrentPath As String, ws As Worksheet, UserInput As String, wbk As Workbook
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Set wbk = ActiveWorkbook

CurrentPath = wbk.Path


'template path and name
    Workbooks.Open Filename:="\\ServerNameHere\Standards\Framing\Hardware\Database\TWC 8.5x11 INT.xlsm"
    UserInput = InputBox("Please Enter a Name For Your File")
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs CurrentPath & "\" & UserInput & ".xlsm"

With ActiveSheet
    'job name
        .Range("D4") = ws.Range("C3")
    'job location
        .Range("D5") = ws.Range("C4")
    'builder/developer name
        .Range("D3") = ws.Range("C5")
    'lot number
        .Range("G3") = ws.Range("E2")
    'plan number
        .Range("G4") = ws.Range("E3")
    'elevation annotation
        .Range("G5") = ws.Range("E4")
        .Range("K3") = ws.Range("E6")
    'total without tax
        .Range("K4") = ws.Range("F1")
    'total with tax
        .Range("K5") = ws.Range("C1")
    'copies path and name into z column
        .Range("Z3") = ThisWorkbook.Path
        .Range("Z4") = "[" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "]"
End With

End Sub