Hi there!
Thank you for being so helpful! I have a workbook I am working on and it's a doozy.
I just noticed this doesn't show a selectable drop down list for the items if you make a type that has spaces in it. I renamed fruits to juicy fruits. I tried putting in [code] =INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE(B1," ",""))[code] for the validation source and it validated to an error and still didn't work.
Forget the calling the items out of order for a second. If I were to use this code and just put the data in the order I would like it to appear, add more items, and want a blank row between the next items on the Drop down sheet, what would I change to do that? I've added the data and tried to add the B8:B9 and B11 ranges [CODE] Range("B3:B6,B8:B9,B11").Value [CODE], but, as you can see, that didn't work.