You are welcome.
I don't quite catch what you want, but I try to explain with this example :
Suppose the current activecell is on A1, and you want to select A1:A3 and E1:F3
Sub Test2()
Range(Selection.Resize(3).Address & "," & Selection.Offset(, 4).Resize(3, 2).Address).Copy
End Sub
As as start, the Selection refer to A1, so to refer A1:A3, we must enlarge by 3 rows --> Selection.Resize(3).Address
The second range (E1:F3), the top left cell of this second range is E1, we locate this cell from Selection by offsetting 4 columns,
so E1 = Selection.Offset(, 4)
Now to enlarge E1 to E1:F3, we use .resize method --> Selection.Offset(, 4).Resize(3, 2).Address (enlarge by 3 rows and 2 columns)