I have a workbook that contains monthly sales totals of multiple products for several sales people. Each monthly total is entered as the first day of the month (MM/01/YYYY).

1 Date Sales Person Product A Product B Product C
2 1/1/2015 Bob Jones 411 731 411
3 2/1/2015 Bob Jones 409 728 413
4 3/1/2015 Bob Jones 419 938 510
5 4/1/2015 Bob Jones 408 881 406
6 5/1/2015 Bob Jones 401 900 411
7 6/1/2015 Bob Jones 413 694 413
8 7/1/2015 Bob Jones 404 451 405
9 8/1/2015 Bob Jones 409 680 465
10 9/1/2015 Bob Jones 411 752 409
11 10/1/2015 Bob Jones 411 868 431
12 11/1/2015 Bob Jones 400 668 409
13 12/1/2015 Bob Jones 407 836 410
14 1/1/2011 Ricky Martin 448 639 212
15 2/1/2011 Ricky Martin 442 838 222
16 3/1/2011 Ricky Martin 435 959 232
17 4/1/2011 Ricky Martin 380 504 201
18 5/1/2011 Ricky Martin 482 895 232
19 6/1/2011 Ricky Martin 421 787 256
20 7/1/2011 Ricky Martin 422 800 707
21 8/1/2011 Ricky Martin 425 694 200
22 9/1/2011 Ricky Martin 450 717 220
23 10/1/2011 Ricky Martin 444 841 207
24 11/1/2011 Ricky Martin 425 646 487
25 12/1/2011 Ricky Martin 402 614 431

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I am attempting to:
1) Insert a set number of rows based on the number of days in that particular month/year. **(Number of days (-1) due to day one already containing data.**
2) Auto fill new blank rows with each day of the month in the Date column (MM/DD/YYYY).
3) Calculate and insert daily average for each product (monthly total / days per month) in the corresponding new row.

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Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated.