Hi there,

Thank you for your time.

I am not sure if what I am after is possible, it a concept that I have been presented with as a solution for auditing purposes and KPI compliance.

I currently have a workbook (daily log) where dispatchers enter in the time of an event and other details based on feedback from patrols. This Daily Log is in use 24/7.

In order to encourage timely entry of data, and integrity of previously entered data, I would like to move rows of data from the Daily Log workbook and move the data to a 'Master' workbook every 4 hours, whilst the Daily Log is still open. The Master workbook is to be password protected and closed after the import of data.

I have a Daily Log Workbook, that is kept for the current Month and Year entries (which by the end of the month is a minimum of 1000 rows of data and 100 columns of data, approx 4-5 MB in size). When the new month starts, then a new Daily Log for the next months events is created based on a Excel Template. I'd would like a new Master Log Workbook for each Month and year.

Is it possible to use VBA to program such a schedule based on the time of the last 'TIME' entry of the previous row?

I have searched the internet to see if I could find something similar that I could perhaps modify, but no matter how I have worded it ... i haven't been able to come up with anything, even by breaking down the tasks.

I am open to perhaps any other solutions that would provide a similar outcome.

If you need any further information, please don't hesitate to contact me.

I really appreciate your time and possible solution.

Kind regards,