I have a table with several time records. When I click on one of these records a form with a timer appears to continue counting the time. However the timer resets the time and starts from zero.

How do I stop the timer from continuing to count the time?

bntStart = button start timer
bntPause = button pause timer
label1 = Time textbox

Private Sub bntStart_Click()
    dteStart = Time
    boolStopPressed = False
    boolResetPressed = False
    dteFinish = Time
    dteElapsed = dteFinish - dteStart + dteStopped
If Not boolStopPressed = True Then
    label1 = dteElapsed
        If boolResetPressed = True Then GoTo Start_timer
        GoTo Timer_Loop
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Private Sub bntStop_Click()
boolStopPressed = True
dteStopped = dteElapsed
End Sub