I'd like to add on to my sub by adding a filter to A6:G6 (first it should clear all filters currently applied, if any)
After that, I would like to filter out all the #N/A in the C and D columns then enter the value 'TEST' in all of the F column.
Then display everything but the #N/A values (once again, C/D columns).
In the future, should I simply record a macro and see what happens, or is it safer to simply ask here? I figure there will be more efficient answers posted here. Unfortunately, I know next to nothing about macros, still learning.
I'd also like to combine it with this macro I currently have (which should be run last) feel free to improve upon it if you see fit:
Sub InsertPageBreaks()
'reset manual breaks
ActiveSheet.Cells.PageBreak = xlPageBreakNone
'insert breaks based on helper column
Dim c As Range
For Each c In Range("A1", Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
If c.Offset(1).Value <> "" And c.Offset(1).Value <> c.Value Then _
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.HPageBreaks.Add c.Offset(1)
Next c
End Sub
Thanks, as always, in advance. Love how helpful everyone is.