Hi everyone.
I think a windows update has effected my VBA userforms both during design mode and at runtime.
I have a userform with a few Frames (used as a sort of drop down menu) and it few labels on it. Now this form worked perfectly the other day on tuesday 18th. since then there was a few updates, one being silverlight update. i know silverlight has nothing to do with VBA but... you never know. Im running windows 10 pro - and office 365.
So here is a list of the issues i'm now having with my user form.
- Labels will no longer appear transparent (both in Design and Runtime)
- Labels will no longer move to the Front or Back in their order on the form when layered. (appears in wrong order in both design and runtime) - labels strobe at runtime when moving the form.
- Frames have that little text caption you add to them - one is always blank, the others go blank as you click on them. (NOTE- appears to be because there is Label behind them which its "Z Order" gets messed up and appear on top of the frames)
I have opened old version of this workbook, same result.
I have removed the userform. and then reimported the userform. same result
i have included an image, as when i click on the attach button nothing happens.
also when i highlight this userform, the properties window is blank, yet other user forms when highlighted / selected will show their properties before a double click that then shows you the actual userform.
the other userforms appear correct, but if i add a transparent label to them they will remain opaque even at runtime.
any one have any ideas or solutions?
VBA problem.jpg