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userform merge vaule of combobox and sheet cell value

  1. #1
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    userform merge vaule of combobox and sheet cell value

    I have a userform that has a few txtboxs, combobox etc.

    TextBox12 displays a value of a helper cell on sheet 2 cell J2
    ComboBox7 drops down to display users names

    Is there a way I can convert the full name(eg:Joe Bloggs) selected in ComboBox7 to Initials(eg: JB)
    and merge it with the value in TextBox12, for example the result will be JB01

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  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: userform merge vaule of combobox and sheet cell value

    Hello russhris,

    This should work...
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  3. #3
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Re: userform merge vaule of combobox and sheet cell value

    Hi Leith,

    Thank you very much. Works like a charm when you submit it to the spreadsheet.

    Is there a way to have that update the record number txtbox on the userform before submitting? As in, it will say record "5" using the helper cell on sheet 2 and when you select a name from the list(combobox7) and click on the selection the record number will change to "AH05"

    Also, I know this is probably out of scope for this thread. But I set the formatting of the helper column to prefix the record number with a zero"0" but it doesn't display that zero on the user form.

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