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Lookup prices in table

  1. #1
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    Excel 2007

    Lookup prices in table

    I own a small company that completes home electronics installations. I started learning some minor VBA a couple years ago to assist my wife in the payroll process. Since then Macros have become an important part of how we complete the process. About a month ago I decided to take the time to revamp some of the macros since I feel a little more comfortable with it now days.

    Just as I suspected, there where numerous things I immediately spotted that we could improve on. From basic stuff like turning off screen updating to more advanced things like merging multiple files in a folder to 1 "Master Invoice".
    Ive re worked everything pretty well up to the last, most important, step which is inputting the payout values of each employee by job type and pay tier. Over the years we've hired quit a few new guys from various states with varying skill levels. Leaving me with about 12 different pay tier options.

    Currently the wife uses 12 different macros to filter down to the job type and hard input these prices. Which leaves a lot of room for error and a lot of time to do it.

    My initial thought was to make a table containing all the different pay tiers and job types with the product types(Since we get paid different amount for the same part on different job types)

    New Install Former Install service Call Upgrade
    Pay Tiers p1 p2 p3 p4 p1 p2 p3 p4 p1 p2 p3 p4 p1 p2 p3 p4

    but I cant figure out how to do the lookup on these prices. Ive looked for 3 days and the closest i can get is using an INDEX/MATCH formula but im still a variable short on that
    something like
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    Next I thought it would be better If I broke it into individual tables. Which I think may be the best option( i.e. PayTiers(New Install), PayTiers(Former Install), etc.

    To sum it all up my new "Master Invoice" contains the following columns
    Markets - Job# - TechID - JobType - ProductType - PayOut(BLANK) - PayTier

    So I need to somehow find the prices for the PayOut column where the PayTier matches the JobType and the ProductType

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, I'm loosing sleep and hair on this one

    Attached is a strippped down version of my file since i cant have customer and employee info floating around.
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  2. #2
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    Re: Lookup prices in table


    See example in the file attached using the sumproduct formula.

    First, make sure you remove the merged cells in the 'Pay Tiers' sheet and repeat the 'Product Name' in each column (Hide that row if you want after).
    Once this is done, it's just a matter of using SumProduct and referencing respectively all conditions (JobType, Product, PayTire) and the TechPay.

    Let me know if you have any questions...
    Attached Files Attached Files
    GC Excel

    If this post helps, then click the star icon (*) in the bottom left-hand corner of my post to Add reputation.

  3. #3
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    Re: Lookup prices in table

    Thank you so much I really appreciate the help.

    one more quick thing, and I may need to post this in a new thread but since you downloaded the file already do you think you could point me in the right direction on the use of progress bars. Specifically ufStep1 button Continue contains a fairly large routine that merges files, does some formatting and a few other functions. I understand the basics of a progress bar userform but I would like to find a solution where the same userform would stay active for all the subs and I cant seem to get everything put together in the correct order.

    Also any pionters on streamlining that code would be much appreciated. It functions as its supposed to just seems a little laggy and flickers a lot.

    Either way Ill mark this as solved and again thanks for the assist.

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