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Macro to write custom function into cells

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RME26 Macro to write custom... 10-13-2016, 11:39 AM
Neil_ Re: Macro to write custom... 10-13-2016, 12:24 PM
Neil_ Re: Macro to write custom... 10-13-2016, 12:28 PM
Neil_ Re: Macro to write custom... 10-13-2016, 12:29 PM
Neil_ Re: Macro to write custom... 10-13-2016, 12:32 PM
RME26 Re: Macro to write custom... 10-14-2016, 04:49 AM
RME26 Re: Macro to write custom... 10-14-2016, 05:27 AM
RME26 Re: Macro to write custom... 10-14-2016, 07:08 AM
  1. #1
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    Macro to write custom function into cells


    I've created a custom function call 'hours' that I've put into every cell in a large table. It uses two variables 'project' and 'plan_date'. See first part of this below:

    Public Function Hours(project, plan_date As Date)
    'Define the array of data to be used in function
    Dim scheme_data As Variant
    scheme_data = Sheets("TEST").Range("B2:P100")
    'Define key dates of stages based on 'project'
    Dim Gate_A2, Gate_B, Gate_C, ACL As Date
    Gate_A2 = DateValue(Application.VLookup(project, scheme_data, 5, False))
    My problem is that I don't want this to automatically recalculate, as it slows everything down, but I don't want to switch the whole workbook to manual calculation as others have to use it.

    I thought I'd write a separate macro to enter the formula into the cells then paste special to just store the values in the table. The idea being that I'd call this macro every time I wanted to update the table.

    Below is the code I tried just in one cell

        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=IFERROR(Hours(RC2,R2C),0)"
    When I run this, I get runtime error '13' type mismatch. The debugger takes me to the line in the function where Gate_A2 is defined. This is the first time that 'project' is referenced so I'm guessing that there's some issue with the order that excel is doing things and it isn't picking up that 'project' is defined by the function.

    The formula works fine if I type it in manually.

    Hope this makes sense, any ideas how I can get rid of the runtime error?



  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor Neil_'s Avatar
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    Re: Macro to write custom function into cells

    Dim scheme_data as Range, not Variant
    Gate_A2, B and C are being declared as variants. Each need their own separate 'As Date'. Only ACL is declared as a date in your code.
    Dim Gate_A2 As Date, Gate_B As Date, Gate_C As Date, ACL As Date
    Frob first, tweak later

  3. #3
    Valued Forum Contributor Neil_'s Avatar
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    Re: Macro to write custom function into cells

    post the entire function please

  4. #4
    Valued Forum Contributor Neil_'s Avatar
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    Re: Macro to write custom function into cells

    You need to use 'Set' here
    Set scheme_data = Sheets("TEST").Range("B2:P100")

  5. #5
    Valued Forum Contributor Neil_'s Avatar
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    Re: Macro to write custom function into cells

    plan_date As Date
    Is your Type Mismatch. You are passing a range to the UDF in the function.
    plan_date As Range
    There is so much wrong. I can debug it if you post the full UDF

  6. #6
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    Re: Macro to write custom function into cells

    Neil, thanks for the replies. See whole function below:

    Public Function Hours(project, plan_date As Date)
    'Define the array of data to be used in function
    Dim scheme_data As Variant
    scheme_data = Sheets("TEST").Range("B2:P100")
    'Define key dates of stages based on 'project'
    Dim Gate_A2, Gate_B, Gate_C, ACL As Date
    Gate_A2 = DateValue(Application.VLookup(project, scheme_data, 5, False))
    Gate_B = DateValue(Application.VLookup(project, scheme_data, 6, False))
    Gate_C = Application.VLookup(project, scheme_data, 9, False)
    ACL = Application.VLookup(project, scheme_data, 11, False)
    'Define what stage the project is in on 'plan_date'
    Dim stage As Single
    If plan_date < Gate_A2 Then
    stage = 4.1
    ElseIf plan_date < Gate_B Then
    stage = 4.2
    ElseIf plan_date < Gate_C Then
    stage = 4.3
    ElseIf plan_date < ACL Then
    stage = 4.4
    Else: stage = 4.5
    End If
    'Define the length in days of the curernt stage from dates in scheme_data
    Dim stage_length As Integer
    If stage = 4.2 Then
    stage_length = Application.VLookup(project, scheme_data, 13, False)
    ElseIf stage = 4.3 Then
    stage_length = Application.VLookup(project, scheme_data, 14, False)
    ElseIf stage = 4.4 Then
    stage_length = Application.VLookup(project, scheme_data, 15, False)
    Else: stage_length = 2
    End If
    'Check scheme_data to see if Engineer is the Lead, complexity of project and scope of in house assurance
    Dim lead As String
    Dim complex As String
    Dim scope As String
    lead = Application.VLookup(project, scheme_data, 2, False)
    complex = Application.VLookup(project, scheme_data, 4, False)
    scope = Application.VLookup(project, scheme_data, 3, False)
    'Number of hours defined as total hours for current stage of project, divided by stage_lengh, converted from days to weeks
    'Check if current stage is being covered in house, if not, return hours = 0
    If stage = 4.2 Or stage = 4.3 Or (stage = 4.4 And scope = "whole scheme") Then
    Hours = 7 * Application.VLookup(lead & complex & stage, Sheets("TEST").Range("W2:X19"), 2, False) / stage_length
    Else: Hours = 0
    End If
    End Function


  7. #7
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    Re: Macro to write custom function into cells


    Just playing around with this again. The problem seems to be when the IFERROR is true. Works ok (if probably a little inefficiently) when the hours function doesn't return an error

  8. #8
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    Re: Macro to write custom function into cells

    Ok think I might have sorted this out.

    I've added "On Error Resume Next" on the first line of the function, it seems to run ok now.

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