Sorry for double post. I've shrunk down the info to the most basic - no code or formulas, and am now able to upload the file
In the file you will see the main sheet - Sheet 1, which contains information (diaries) of individuals. Their availability is marked in this sheet for the entire week.
Now, if you go to sheet Sunday, you will see a slightly different list of individuals, same goes for sheet Monday, and that is because I've manually copied and pasted individuals who are available on that day and their availability times from the main sheet and pasted the info on to the relevant day sheet.
What I want VBA to do is to identify who's "Active" on Sheet1 and transfer (extract) specific information (as shown in sheets Sunday and Monday) and their availability hours for that day into another sheet, or in other words automate the manual process that I've described above.
Thank you all for having a look at this.